Principal's Message
Dear Parents and stakeholders of the Sunset Middle community,
It is an honor and pleasure to serve as principal of Sunset Middle. This marks my ninth year as principal and first at Sunset. Before coming to the Sunset community, I taught at Beau Chene High and Eunice High. While at EHS I served as an administrative assistant and then as assistant principal for two years before moving on to become principal at Grand Coteau Elementary for eight years. I truly believe that we are responsible for not only teaching students Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies, but teaching them how to be productive citizens in society, and to also be critical thinkers. Not all students learn the same as research shows, so instruction must be engaging and at times differentiated. Students are in need of the “whole child” learning approach which fosters all necessary aspects for a child to learn effectively.
Data-based instruction is key to the improvement of learning. Goals are set at the beginning, middle, and at end of the year and are linked to our state standards and district goals. We use these goals to meet the needs of our students in order to help them at all academic levels.
In order for these goals to come to fruition, Sunset Middle functions as a “Professional Learning Community.” This means that teachers work together as a team to look at students’ at each grade level and make decisions based on data. Ideas, suggestions, and plans of action are formulated and set into motion. All teachers bring multiple avenues of expertise when planning for the success of all our students. Parents are an imperative part of this process and are greatly needed to make the necessary strides crucial to move our school forward. Our school improvement team meets to discuss ideas and suggestions with input from our parents to find ways to gain various perspectives on what our students and learning community needs.
I am enjoying getting to know the students, staff, and parents these past few weeks and look forward to making changes to positively impact our school. Together we can make Sunset Middle a place everyone will love. Feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas you would like to share with me and the administration. I can be reached at 337-662-3194. I look forward to the journey ahead and the success we can achieve together. I close with Sunset Middle’s new motto:
Sunset Today...Sunset Tomorrow...Sunset Forever!
Brandon H. Bobb